2 0 22 FI D I C ONFER ENCE THE SOCIAL PROGRAMME Of course, everyone attends the FIDI Conference to do business, but the busy social calendar is an essential part of their time together and particularly this year. After the tough, solitary months of the pandemic, it was more important than ever to spend quality time as a community, to share experiences, stories and laughs, and just enjoy being together. It was for this reason that FIDI brought back Tour4All an afternoon when every conference attendee is invited to come together for a shared visit to a local attraction. Sponsored by Convergo, this years Tour4All took delegates by private boat transfer to biological reserve Sainte-Marguerite Island, just off the Cannes coast. Here, they enjoyed a walk around the beautiful parkland, a visit to the Royal Fort Museum, which was once home to the Man in the Iron Mask. There were also drinks and snacks, and some friendly competition between teams of Affiliates in a ptanque tournament. 46 FF306 June-August 22 pp44-59 Conference.indd 46 WW W. F I D I FOC U S . OR G 07/06/2022 10:17