
Global Moving Foundation offers industry training funding

Employees working in the global mobility industry can now apply for career development funds through the newly launched Global Moving Foundation Industry Training Program (formerly known as the Alan F Wohlstetter Fund).

The programme offers up to US$500 per person, per year, to support professional development in the moving industry and training at all skill levels.

The awarded money can be used to cover the cost of approved training from recognised industry providers, including the FIDI Academy, IAM Learning, LACMA, EuRA, and WERC.

Applications are open to all employees working in the international moving and relocation industry. There is no limit to the number of applicants per company.

To apply, candidates must complete a short application form and include a career intention statement explaining how the selected course will support their career development. Applications that do not include this statement will not be reviewed.

More information and the application form are available at: The full catalogue of available training opportunities available through the FIDI Academy can be consulted at Academy catalogue | FIDI

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