CONTENTS IS S UE 3 1 2 DEC EMBER 2 0 2 3 -FEBRUARY 2 0 2 4 20 10-1 6 NEW S Including... removal of shipping alliance exemption welcomed; De Haan changes management; and UAE Affiliates meet S P E C I A L FE ATUR ES 20-2 7 W HAT I S Q UA L I T Y ? The differences between the varied certifications and standards 52-5 3 R O B A ND P H I L As they retire from the industry, Rob Chipman and Phil Wells reflect R E G I O N A L FE ATUR ES 30-3 6 S C OT LA ND Ahead of the 2024 FIDI Conference, we speak to Scottish Affiliates 44- 45 DSP C E RTIF IC ATION FIDI s programme set to roll out early next year 58-59 F IDI AC A DE M Y A look back on an incredible year for the FIDI Academy 48- 49 F IDI C 0 2 C A LC UL ATOR Helping businesses simplify the complex task of measuring sustainability 64-66 C ON TA IN E R C L EANLINES S An update on the potential for hygiene regulations 50 M A R K E TIN G FA IM FIDI s William Zamundu on promoting FAIM to private customers 56- 57 F IDI 39 C L UB Mentors and mentees discuss stage one of the mentorship programme 38 F ID I B U SI N E SS 28-2 9 FI D I AS S O CI AT I O N S FSC Chair Mark Burchell on the importance of FAIM 38-4 0 2 0 2 4 FI D I CO N F E R E N CE What to expect from the Edinburgh event, including some of the activities on offer 42 FI D I O MBU D SM A N A new initiative designed to boost transparency and openness 12 May - 15 May NEW A FFILIATES 46 M OV E R ON E MoverOne International on the industry in and out of Canada 69 IN TE R N ATION A L VAN LINES On prospects for quality movers in the US market REGULA RS 18 AT A GL A N C E Statistics on FAIM 70 PE OPL E M OV E S Including... Santa Fe promotes Graydon; Skoglund joins SBK; Somers is in at the IAM 72 L IGH TE R SIDE PMR head wins praise; Alfa boosts biodiversity; John Mason is a Great Place to Work 74 OBITUA R IE S Martyn Cohen, Ken Madrid and Aldo Heinimann 6 FF312 Dec_Feb 23 pp06-07 Contents.indd 6 05/12/2023 12:44